How to Use transaction with Powershell

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If i am wrong please correct me , i know this feature came with Windows Powershell 2.0.


This is the command. When you write this on the command line , you will see the detailed prompt.

$transactionKelime= New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.TransactedString
Use-Transaction -TransactedScript {$transactionKelime.Append("Finished") } -UseTransaction


When you write this command you will see another detailed prompt.



First we tried to use transaction before it started.

Now we will try after it started.

 Use-Transaction -TransactedScript {$transactionKelime.ToString()}  -UseTransaction


There is an another prompt , you have to use transactions with transaction-enabled objects ( you can see all the objects with the command below)


Finally we are completing the transaction.


If we used ‘undo-transaction’ it would have prompted “deneme”. You can try the script below.

$transactionKelime= New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management.TransactedString
Use-Transaction -TransactedScript {$transactionKelime.Append(" Finished") } -UseTransaction
Use-Transaction -TransactedScript {$transactionKelime.ToString()}  -UseTransaction